34th Panama City Beach Corvette Caravan

Very early on May 14th, eight club members in five Corvettes met in Indianapolis for their trip down to Dothan, AL and the 34th Annual Beach Caravan put on by our southern cousins, the members of Circle City Corvettes, Inc. Thursday morning, Corvettes from multiple clubs and states gathered for the caravan to Panama City Beach, FL. The weekend was full of activities including seminars, Corvette show, banquet, and an auction with proceeds going to the National Corvette Museum. A special Thank You goes out to Dothan, AL Circle City Corvettes members Andy Countryman, Charley Robertson and Jeff Bishop for supplying pictures after a member of our club lost their camera during the weekend. The slides below are in random order. Click on button below to start slide show.

All previous years can be found in the Archives Section