July 4th Parade – Brownsburg, IN
There were 22 Corvettes that showed up for the annual Brownsburg July 4th Parade, lunch at Boulder Creek and a cruise up to the Westfield Rocks the 4th Open Car Show. It would be a busy but fun day. Those that participated were Roger & Tina H., Jim & Sharon L., Dave & Debbie S., Bob & Pam G., John & MaryAnn M., J.R., Yolanda & Abran M., Larry & Dona S., Steve & Paulette B., Allan & Eva Y., Tony & Rosemary P., Terry A. & his Grandson, Ken & Cindy O., Bruce & Janet B. Paul S. Rich & Rita R., brought both Corvettes one driven by their son home on leave from the US Navy. We also had some first timers to the parade. Bryan & Janet M., Terry B., and Kevin W. & his daughter Caroline who was crowned the unofficial Queen of the Club because she sat on top of her dad’s Z06. A big Thank you to Doug & Debbie G. for organizing this event. Everyone had a great time.
All previous years can be found in the Archives Section